Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fur...A Fabulous Thing???

Usually, as yours truly Fashionista, I’m open to any new trend that may come my way. Big necklaces? Tried it! (Really cute.) Tights under shorts? Tried it! (Made my legs look fat.) I’m sure you’ve heard me say before that no matter how out there a trend is, it may just look amazing on you; so don’t hesitate to try anything in the name of fashion. I may just have to go back on that, however, after seeing the newest “big thing”. Fur!!! Now, I’m not a vegetarian by any means (I can eat steak and burgers with the rest of them) but there’s just something that seems wrong about wearing a dead animal on your body. With the all-natural and animal-rights activist trends that have popped up in the past couple of years (ever since the problem of global warming has become well-known) I just can’t believe that the American people are allowing this to happen. Indeed, enough people must be enjoying this deadly trend for it to be surfacing in every fashion magazine from Vogue to Lucky lately. Now, don’t get me wrong, leopard prints and faux fur stoles do look gorgeous on most every girl out there. Just don’t opt for the real thing! Below I’ve included a list of some wonderful faux options that you can find online:

Nine West Jacket-$199

Wonderful Faux Fur Website

Forever 21 Belted Faux Fur Jacket-$34.80