Monday, January 18, 2010

Confidence: Unveiled

What gives you confidence? Over the years, psychiatrists, parents, and writers of self-help books alike have attempted to answer this question. Somehow, though, following their advice never quite led me to the infamous and unparalleled confidence high. Although I’m sure the answer to this question differs from person to person, for me it’s fashion. I’m not necessarily talking about having all the latest trends or buying the limited edition Fendi bag. Instead, I just mean feeling comfortable and CONFIDENT in what you have on. Going to school in sweat pants and a sweatshirt, I tend to feel like a failure, telling myself I’m far too stupid to ace that tough chemistry exam. But in a perfectly tailored pair of jeans topped with a super-flattering jacket and an enviably wild-but-chic necklace, I walk through the hallways with my head held high. Likewise, I’m much more likely to approach that cutie at a party while dressed in a bouncy miniskirt and tights than a pair of paint-splattered jeans and a hoodie. Get the picture? I guess this, in a nutshell, is why I really love fashion. It’s the feeling I get when I pull on my favorite hot pink dress, the way I can’t stop smiling when I peer at myself in the dressing room mirror wearing pretty much anything from H&M. I can practically feel my confidence level rising. When my clothes are special (not necessarily expensive or even unique, just special) I feel so, too. So, with that, I urge all of you to get out there and go shopping. You never know how much better you might feel about yourself while wearing the dress of your dreams.



Rebecca said...

This is soooo true. I feel like a lazy bum when I wear sweatpants to school, no matter how sick or exhausted I am. But when I get to test drive a brand new purse or pair of shoes, I feel like I can do anything. :) Great post!

Unknown said...

haha this is sooo amazing!!! How did I not know you had this?!!? well I will def be a regular reader now!